Same Sex Marriage

No, I think marriage should no be a legal issue at all. Then everyone can do what they want. The laws as they are now are not moot to me. They are specific. I would like to see marriage not a legal instiutuion, then anyone could do what they wanted. You could marry another man or 6 women or a cow and no one would care, least of all me. I wouldn’t have to legally recognize it because there would be no need for recognition. I don’t see how anyone could find that to be militant.

The laws of this country are not moot to me. They are/were based on Christianity when this country was founded. They have been for 200 years. We should not live in a religious state where people aren’t free to worship or not worship as they see fit. However, a free country still need laws. Those laws need to be based on something. We in the US have based our on Christianity and that has worked just fine. People of all faiths are as free as anyone else. All are represented and all have the same freedoms.

This country was not founded on Christianity…

The first ‘Pilgrims’ may have been Christian, but not all of the people in all of the colonies were Christian.

We do not ‘base our laws on Christian values’ …

I love the way “Christians” think they are responsible for all the good in the world, and all evil is the responsibility of the Athiests…

The words “under God” didn’t even come into the pledge of alegiance until the McCarthy era. It also brought “In God We Trust” on our money (it was never there before 1950)…

If it were up to you, all of our laws would be religious based? That sounds a lot like a Dictatorship to me.

When signing the Declaration of Independence, Samuel Adams, the father of the Revolution declared; “We have this day restored the Sovereign to Whom all men ought to be obedient. He reigns in Heaven and from the rising to the setting of the sun – let His Kingdom come.” James Madison, the father of the Constitution said, “We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it…but upon the capacity of mankind for self government; upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to The Ten Commandments of God.”

In the immortal words of Patrick Henry: “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ”. John Adams, our second President said, “The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were … the general principles of Christianity … now I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God … I could therefore safely say … that I believe they (the people) would never make discoveries in contradiction to these general principles.”

Historical information from 1776 gives us the following facts. 98% of the people then in America professed themselves to be Protestant Christians; 1.8 % declared themselves to be Roman Catholic Christians; and only two- tenths of one percent said they were of the Jewish faith. Christianity was basically the only religion in America. Thomas Jefferson called the Bible the cornerstone for American liberty and wanted it placed in our schools as the light that should lead the way.

I love the way “Christians” think they are responsible for all the good in the world, and all evil is the responsibility of the Athiests…
I don’t think athiests are evil.

your historical info is only on wealthy white men…

there were a whole bunch more over here other than that…

other than that, our country was not “immediately born” in 1776. It was a time consuming process that took many, many years to organize the govt. Thomas Jefferson wanted to name George Washington as King… I notice you didn’t mention that part…


How would mentioning that have any effect on the fact that our country was founded on the principles of Christianity?

because those ‘laws’ you speak of, are not Christian, rather law from the time of Moses…

and those are basically ways to treat each other, as to have a basic set of rules for society, other than one that I can think of (there could be more, I’m not an expert on this).

again, Christians taking credit for anything they consider good…


I don’t think a true Christian takes credit for anything, they as i give the credit to God.

but that, in it’s own way, since it is ‘your God’, is taking credit for it… (aligning yourself with a winner makes you feel like a winner)


It is not “my God” or “your God” just God. I feel like a winner that God is there for everyone.

yet you claimed the 10 commandments as Christian.


[edit]and by you saying that is ‘everyone’s God’, you are again imposing your views on others [/edit]

No, the 10 Commandements are niether Christian nor Jewish nor any other specific religion. Many religions obey the 10 Commandments.

I am not impossing my views by saying everyones God. Am I holding a gun to your head and saying you must accept God? No, God is there for everyone, not as an imposition, but as truth. You don’t have to accept that.

no, but you do say:

our country was founded on the principles of Christianity

yet you say:

the 10 Commandements are niether Christian nor Jewish nor any other specific religion

if you make laws based on faith, isn’t that imposing a view on others?


Why is killing wrong? Why is stealing wrong? Why shpould we have laws against these things?

that is basic civilization, not religion.

if it were indeed based on the 10 commandments, we would hold no God before the One True God as law… it wasn’t put into law, because they knew it was wrong to involve Church and State.

Just because religion were the first to document this law does not make it a religious law…

don’t kill your neighbor has prob been around since the beginning of group dynamics…


So, how do we write laws? Majority rule?

isn’t that the way of Democracy?

any other way would be a dictatorship…


Ok, so a majority of the people in America during the framing of the Constitution were Christian so it seams right that the laws be based on that. Also today a majority of the people in America are Chirstian, should the laws still not be based on Christianity? If you have information showing a majority in America are not Christian, I would be egar to see it.

so you say we throw away the first amendment?


No, everyone has the right to speak freely, worship freely and the press can report as it sees fit. The First Amendment is rock solid.

it also says that the gov’t can not impose any religious laws…

or do you choose to ignore that, just like you ignore certain ‘inconsistencies’ in the Bible?
