Sample Site

Can some one put a sample site up on to this message board? because i want to try to learn how to do some of the effects and also to give me ideas of what i could try to make with Mx?

Kirupa has a full site tutorial on his site, with a downloadable .fla to compare and practice on.

i already did that one

Well thats everything you need to know.

Everything else is just tweens and effects that you will slowly learn as you get used to Flash and read many tutorials.

Flash isn’t something you can learn in a day, it takes a lot of time and practice… like an instrument.

i am still running off of the 30 day trial. would that stop me from doing some effects or something important?

Ummm, I haven’t tried the trial, but I don’t think they have anything disabled in there that would limit your ability to create effects and tweens and such.

If you are looking for .fla files to download and learn off of, has tons and tons of them.

Those files are viewer submitted so there is no guarantee on the quality of Actionscript or how optimized the file is at all, but it is a good learning point if you are one to learn that way.


Here you go Alex, try this tutorial, the backbone of my site is based on this tutorial so try it and dont give up.