I’m currently saving an array of information from Flash to a database (php/mySQL). Then loading that information back into Flash.
When I load this information back into Flash, I put it into a new array, however Flash only sees it only as one element ( info[0]).
info = new Array();
info = [ ["david", "perry", "wow.com"], ["Matha", "Lamone", "www.cando.com"] ];
//push to database using LoadVars ()
loadInfo.onLoad = function(){
if(this.error != undefined)
trace ('error: ' + this.error);
} else {
testMe = new Array(this.loadinfo);
I’ve also tried .push this information into an array and it still will only come back with one huge element. Is there something I’m missing? I’ve never run into this before.
When I loop through the array, I should be able to do something like this:
this["infoObject"+i].name.text = testMe*[0];
It works fine with an array I create in Flash but once it goes into the database and back into Flash… Flash doesn’t seem to pick up the comas.
I’ve done something similar… saving an array to the sharedObject and back into Flash… and never had a problem. In the database, the row in the table is set up to be ‘text’.
Any ideas?