How would I go about saving a timestamp to mySql from flash? Would I use a string or a number? Does this date number “1363671088331” save properly into the mySql “date” data type? I only need second accuracy, but ms would be nice. [indent]-[/indent] Also, is it somehow possible to synchronize flash with the server timestamp? My idea would be just to create my own date variable from one send from amfPhp>Flash and increment it in flash manually based upon the clients time change when it’s requested. [indent]-[/indent]
//ActionScript 3 var currentDate:Date = new Date(); trace(currentDate); var answer:String = currentDate.fullYear + "-" + (currentDate.month+1) + "-" + currentDate.currentDate + " " + currentDate.hours + ":" + currentDate.minutes + ":" + currentDate.seconds + ":" + currentDate.milliseconds; trace(answer); // 2012-1-17 10:48:41 trace(currentDate.time); //Trace Mon Mar 18 22:31:28 GMT-0700 2013 2013-3-undefined 22:31:28:331 1363671088331