Saving Progress - What & Why


I am learning flash, and to do so I’m writing a little adventure game.
My current issue is with saving progress; namely, having the game remembering what was done on previous frames.

I’ve experimented with Booleans, who work nicely for small stuff, but it’s proving more difficult to save things like inventory items or partial actions taken.

Google pointed me towards SharedObject, which would save data regardless of frame, handy! It seems to have the side effect of remembering the data even when closed though, meaning I have to erase it before every test. So now I’m thinking of turning it into a proper save & load system, like in a real game.

But now I’m left to wonder, is SharedObject really the best way for me to save progress made in individual rooms? It’s really simple stuff like redKeyTaken = true or greenDooropen = false (wheres then the movieclips of redkey or greendoor jump to their correct frames)

What would you guys recommend for keeping track of individual room(frame) status? Keep using SharedObject and just flush at every action, or is there a better way?

Thanks in advance,

  • Nyst