Saving the XML photogallery within a movie clip?

I have managed to configure the XML with Flash thumbnail photogallery the way i want and it works fine.

However the problem is how to incorporate this gallery into my flash site. I would have to save this gallery as a movie clip then i can import the movie clip into the library.

I highlighted all the layers in the photogallery and pressed F8 then saved as a movie clip named page3. I then copied this movie into my flash site but the gallery is blank???

Can someone shed some light on this please?



It sound like a paths issue…check the actionscript code inside the you new movieclip and make sure evrythings pointing in the right direction.

If you post your fla i’ll have a quick look n see if I can see the problem if you like…seen as tho ur from west yorkshire aswell :wink:

Hi lewi-p.

Thanks for replying to a yorkshire lads desperate call!!!

I really am getting desperate as we have a new vehicle which we need to advertise asap. Guard these pics with your life!! :smirk2: LOL

I am coming to the end of completing the limousine website for my brother but the gallery is just not working when it is converted to a movie clip?

It does however work on it’s own perfectly.

The site which i have done is too large to post. I have attached the gallery which i have done.

Do you think this gallery can be saved as a movile clip and still work when placed anywhere???

I hope you can help mate!!!

Thanks again.

He’s an idea…
If the gallery works on its own just export that as an swf then import it into you main website. This will cut down on the time it takes to open via the web and its much easier than changing all the code around. Here’s what you need to do once you have the gallery.

Before we start lets assume that the gallery swf is called “gallery.swf”

1, Ok - In your main website fla create a new movieclip , dont put anything in it tho as we are just using it to hold the gallery swf.

2, Drag the your new mc onto the stage and give it an instance name of ‘container’.

3, On the main timeline add the below code…

loadMovie("gallery.swf", "container");

This imports the gallery.swf into your container movieclip.

Thats it…simple!

hey guys—
ive got a similar problem with this, except i want to load the different galleries for my site into an empty movie clip on my main swf/site.

my galleries work fine on their own, but not when loaded into the main site/swf.

any ideas? much appreciated.