Scale Problem


I have a poblem. I have this code that scales my clips and loads a movieclip in to the holder mc. What my problem is when I go to click on a clip before it scales down it does not resize to the right size i want. If you go to

then click on one of the bars then quickly click on another, the previous clip does not resize properly and evetually pushes all the other clips off stage. Below is the complete code I am using.

loadingBar._visible = false;
infotxt._visible = false;
// Initial variables
var numClips = 10;
// number of clips
var speed = 10;
// velocvity of animation.
var speedRatio = speed/10;
// speed ration for elasticity
var friction = 0.7;
// friction on animation.
var itemArray = new Array();
// holds all clips
var clickedItem = null;
// clicked on    
var selectedItem = null;
// currently selected 
var growingItem = null;
// currently growing
var reducingItem = null;
// currently reducing    
_global.scaleCountdown = 0;
// countdown to scale animation
_global.scaleDelay = 1;
// number of secs to countdown
//Initiate Animation
this.initAnim = function() {
    // setup the clips in array
    for (var i = 0; i<=numClips; i++) {
        // get reference to clip
        var clip = this["clip_"+i];
        // define initial properties
        clip.w = clip.bg_mc._width;
        // initial width
        clip.h = clip._height;
        // initial height = 330;
        // target  width = clip.h;
        // target height
        clip.dw = 0;
        // distance to target width
        clip.dh = 0;
        // distance to target height
        // add to array
        itemArray* = clip;
        // Set click
        clip.onRelease = setClick;
        clip.onPress = startScaling;
        // Start stop scaling 
        //clip.onRollOver = startScaling;
        //clip.onRollOut = endScaling;
    // set first item to grow
    clickedItem = selectedItem=itemArray[0];
    // Set render
    this.onEnterFrame = render;
// render animation
this.render = function() {
    friction = slide/100;
    // if scale countdown reaches 0 and user rolls over a new item start scale
    if (scaleCountdown-- == 0 && growingItem != selectedItem) {
        // set old growing item to new reducing item 
        reducingItem = growingItem;
        // set growing item as selected item
        growingItem = selectedItem;
    if (scaleCountdown == -scaleDelay*51) {
        if (selectedItem == itemArray[0]) {
            infotxt._visible = true;
            loadingBar._visible = true;
            if (_root.bighold._width<10) {
                bighold._x = clip_0._x;
                bighold._y = clip_0._y;
                loadingBar._yscale = 1;
                loadingBar.onEnterFrame = function() {
                    kBytesLoaded = this._parent.bighold.getBytesLoaded()/1024;
                    kBytesTotal = this._parent.bighold.getBytesTotal()/1024;
                    percentage = Math.round(kBytesLoaded/kBytesTotal*100);
                    this._yscale = percentage;
                    infotxt.text = "please wait...";
                    if (percentage == 99) {
                        loadingBar._visible = false;
                        infotxt._visible = false;
                        delete this.onEnterFrame;
            } else {
                trace("0 is off");
        if (selectedItem == itemArray[1]) {
            loadingBar._visible = true;
            infotxt._visible = true;
            if (_root.eathold._width<10) {
                eathold._x = clip_1._x-1.3;
                eathold._y = clip_1._y-.5;
                loadingBar._yscale = 1;
                loadingBar.onEnterFrame = function() {
                    kBytesLoaded = this._parent.eathold.getBytesLoaded()/1024;
                    kBytesTotal = this._parent.eathold.getBytesTotal()/1024;
                    percentage = Math.round(kBytesLoaded/kBytesTotal*100);
                    this._yscale = percentage;
                    infotxt.text = "please wait...";
                    if (percentage == 99) {
                        loadingBar._visible = false;
                        infotxt._visible = false;
                        delete this.onEnterFrame;
            } else {
                trace("1 is off");
        if (selectedItem == itemArray[2]) {
            infotxt._visible = true;
            loadingBar._visible = true;
            if (_root.nyhold._width<10) {
                nyhold._x = clip_2._x;
                nyhold._y = clip_2._y;
                loadingBar._yscale = 1;
                loadingBar.onEnterFrame = function() {
                    kBytesLoaded = this._parent.nyhold.getBytesLoaded()/1024;
                    kBytesTotal = this._parent.nyhold.getBytesTotal()/1024;
                    percentage = Math.round(kBytesLoaded/kBytesTotal*100);
                    this._yscale = percentage;
                    infotxt.text = "please wait...";
                    if (percentage == 99) {
                        infotxt._visible = false;
                        loadingBar._visible = false;
                        delete this.onEnterFrame;
            } else {
                trace("2 is off");
        if (selectedItem == itemArray[3]) {
            infotxt._visible = true;
            loadingBar._visible = true;
            if (_root.grhold._width<10) {
                grhold._x = clip_3._x-1;
                grhold._y = clip_3._y-1;
                loadingBar._yscale = 1;
                loadingBar.onEnterFrame = function() {
                    kBytesLoaded = this._parent.grhold.getBytesLoaded()/1024;
                    kBytesTotal = this._parent.grhold.getBytesTotal()/1024;
                    percentage = Math.round(kBytesLoaded/kBytesTotal*100);
                    this._yscale = percentage;
                    infotxt.text = "please wait...";
                    if (percentage == 99) {
                        infotxt._visible = false;
                        loadingBar._visible = false;
                        delete this.onEnterFrame;
            } else {
                trace("3 is off");
        if (selectedItem == itemArray[4]) {
            infotxt._visible = true;
            loadingBar._visible = true;
            if (_root.prhold._width<10) {
                prhold._x = clip_4._x-1;
                prhold._y = clip_4._y-1;
                loadingBar._yscale = 1;
                loadingBar.onEnterFrame = function() {
                    kBytesLoaded = this._parent.prhold.getBytesLoaded()/1024;
                    kBytesTotal = this._parent.prhold.getBytesTotal()/1024;
                    percentage = Math.round(kBytesLoaded/kBytesTotal*100);
                    this._yscale = percentage;
                    infotxt.text = "please wait...";
                    if (percentage == 99) {
                        infotxt._visible = false;
                        loadingBar._visible = false;
                        delete this.onEnterFrame;
            } else {
                trace("4 is off");
        if (selectedItem == itemArray[5]) {
            infotxt._visible = true;
            loadingBar._visible = true;
            if (_root.rechold._width<10) {
                rechold._x = clip_5._x-1;
                rechold._y = clip_5._y;
                loadingBar._yscale = 1;
                loadingBar.onEnterFrame = function() {
                    kBytesLoaded = this._parent.rechold.getBytesLoaded()/1024;
                    kBytesTotal = this._parent.rechold.getBytesTotal()/1024;
                    percentage = Math.round(kBytesLoaded/kBytesTotal*100);
                    this._yscale = percentage;
                    infotxt.text = "please wait...";
                    if (percentage == 99) {
                        infotxt._visible = false;
                        loadingBar._visible = false;
                        delete this.onEnterFrame;
            } else {
                trace("5 is off");
        if (selectedItem == itemArray[6]) {
            infotxt._visible = true;
            loadingBar._visible = true;
            if (_root.newshold._width<10) {
                newshold._x = clip_6._x-1.3;
                newshold._y = clip_6._y-1;
                loadingBar._yscale = 1;
                loadingBar.onEnterFrame = function() {
                    kBytesLoaded = this._parent.newshold.getBytesLoaded()/1024;
                    kBytesTotal = this._parent.newshold.getBytesTotal()/1024;
                    percentage = Math.round(kBytesLoaded/kBytesTotal*100);
                    this._yscale = percentage;
                    infotxt.text = "please wait...";
                    if (percentage == 99) {
                        infotxt._visible = false;
                        loadingBar._visible = false;
                        delete this.onEnterFrame;
            } else {
                trace("6 is off");
        if (selectedItem == itemArray[7]) {
            infotxt._visible = true;
            loadingBar._visible = true;
            if (_root.linkshold._width<10) {
                linkshold._x = clip_7._x;
                linkshold._y = clip_7._y;
                loadingBar._yscale = 1;
                loadingBar.onEnterFrame = function() {
                    kBytesLoaded = this._parent.linkshold.getBytesLoaded()/1024;
                    kBytesTotal = this._parent.linkshold.getBytesTotal()/1024;
                    percentage = Math.round(kBytesLoaded/kBytesTotal*100);
                    this._yscale = percentage;
                    infotxt.text = "please wait...";
                    if (percentage == 99) {
                        infotxt.text = "";
                        loadingBar._visible = false;
                        delete this.onEnterFrame;
            } else {
                trace("7 is off");
        if (selectedItem == itemArray[8]) {
            infotxt._visible = true;
            loadingBar._visible = true;
            if (_root.contacthold._width<10) {
                contacthold._x = clip_8._x-1.3;
                contacthold._y = clip_8._y;
                loadingBar._yscale = 1;
                loadingBar.onEnterFrame = function() {
                    kBytesLoaded = this._parent.contacthold.getBytesLoaded()/1024;
                    kBytesTotal = this._parent.contacthold.getBytesTotal()/1024;
                    percentage = Math.round(kBytesLoaded/kBytesTotal*100);
                    this._yscale = percentage;
                    infotxt.text = "please wait...";
                    if (percentage == 99) {
                        infotxt._visible = false;
                        loadingBar._visible = false;
                        delete this.onEnterFrame;
            } else {
                trace("8 is off");
        if (selectedItem == itemArray[9]) {
            infotxt._visible = true;
            loadingBar._visible = true;
            if (_root.playhold._width<10) {
                playhold._x = clip_9._x;
                playhold._y = clip_9._y;
                loadingBar._yscale = 1;
                loadingBar.onEnterFrame = function() {
                    kBytesLoaded = this._parent.playhold.getBytesLoaded()/1024;
                    kBytesTotal = this._parent.playhold.getBytesTotal()/1024;
                    percentage = Math.round(kBytesLoaded/kBytesTotal*100);
                    this._yscale = percentage;
                    infotxt.text = "please wait...";
                    if (percentage == 99) {
                        infotxt._visible = false;
                        loadingBar._visible = false;
                        delete this.onEnterFrame;
            } else {
                trace("9 is off");
    // unload all movies that are not active                      
    if (selectedItem == itemArray[0]) {
    } else {
    if (selectedItem == itemArray[1]) {
    } else {
    if (selectedItem == itemArray[2]) {
    } else {
    if (selectedItem == itemArray[3]) {
    } else {
    if (selectedItem == itemArray[4]) {
    } else {
    if (selectedItem == itemArray[5]) {
    } else {
    if (selectedItem == itemArray[6]) {
    } else {
    if (selectedItem == itemArray[7]) {
    } else {
    if (selectedItem == itemArray[8]) {
    } else {
    if (selectedItem == itemArray[9]) {
    } else {
    // assign growing item properties     
    var clip = growingItem;
    // Calculate distance growing Item has to travel
    clip.dw = (*speedRatio+clip.dw*friction;
    clip.dh = (*speedRatio+clip.dh*friction;
    // resize selected clip
    clip.bg_mc._width += clip.dw;
    clip._height += clip.dh;
    // assign growing item properties
    var clip = reducingItem;
    // Calculate distance reducing Item has to travel
    clip.dw = (clip.w-clip.bg_mc._width)/speed*speedRatio+clip.dw*friction;
    clip.dh = (clip.h-clip._height)/speed*speedRatio+clip.dh*friction;
    // resize old clip
    clip.bg_mc._width += clip.dw;
    clip._height += clip.dh;
    // make next clip position reflect previous clips
    for (var i = 0; i<=numClips; i++) {
        // make next clip position reflect previous clips
        itemArray[i+1]._x = itemArray*._x+itemArray*._width+3;
        // make growing orange
        (itemArray* == growingItem) ? itemArray*.gotoAndStop(2) : itemArray*.gotoAndStop(1);
this.setClick = function() {
    scaleCountdown = scaleDelay;
    // make this item teh clicked Item
    clickedItem = this;
this.startScaling = function() {
    // reset scale countdown
    scaleCountdown = scaleDelay;
    // make this item the selected item (start scale)
    selectedItem = this;
this.endScaling = function() {
    // reset scale countdown
    scaleCountdown = scaleDelay;
    // make previousely clicked item the selected item (start scale)
    selectedItem = clickedItem;
// Initiate animation

Any help would be greatly appreciated and I hope somebody is willing to help.

