Hi. I’m making something sortof like the Nintendo Wii Mii creator where you can drag vaious body parts onto the charecter, and then resizethem individually. Check out the attached swf to see an example.
The problem I’m having is when you scale it up, the outlines stay proportional to the overall size, so when the shape is scaledto a large size, like full screen, the lines of the shape are relitivly, something like line size 50.
Is there any way that any of you can think to make the relitive line size stay the same, so like, at the regular size, its around line size 3, and at full size, the shape is bigger, but the reletive line size is the same.
Thanks in advance.
(To use the attachement, use the arrows to scale it in whichever directions, and the curved arrow to rotate, the other buttons arn’t functional yet