I got a job where I’m supposed to make a flash presentation (a simple slideshow), but you have to be able to change the language at any time of the slideshow. And I have to leave it open so that if the client wants to expand the language range it’s easy to do. You don’t have to worry about all that I just wanted to write something in english because I haven’t done that in a long time.
So I have tried to make the AS3 as easy as possible (so that someone that just has started with Flash can make changes). I decided to make everything in scenes (one scene contains 1 slide). I have a play/pause button on the stage on every scene, the idea is that when you press the play button the pause button becomes visible on top of the play button and vice versa. My problem is that when the play button is pressed and it jumps from one scene to another the play button becomes visible again. So I wonder how do I get the button to stay invisible till the user presses the pause button? The buttons are on top of each other.
Oh and there is “Next Slide”, “Previous Slide” buttons so it’s not as easy as to just put pause_btn.visible=false; on every scene.