I just got back to school yesterday to finish off my last year and we have this thing now called projects (that’s a really lousy translation… but an outright translation would be projectwork, which sucks even more) where we’re forced to come up with a project of our own that we are going to work with for the next seven months to come.
This is really, really important as it’s worth a lot of points and if you fail it you won’t get a complete set of grades.
So I was wondering if you guys from the states have this same thing?
Mainly it’s a project, free of choice, which you will be working with almost for the whole year and then present it infront of tons of people.
You can choose to do what you want, but you have to be able and go into very specific details and write rapports about it each week that you’re going to show for three different teachers, which have to be satisfied with your progress.
Now, I have to come up with a solid idea until two weeks from now and so far I have nothing.
I’m not interested to steal anything, but it would be really fun just to see what other people have done and perhaps spark some ideas.
It’s always fun to see anything so it doesn’t matter what it’s about really, but for myself I’m thinking that I somehow should come up with something that involves flash and photoshop as these are the two main programs I’m trying to learn right now, so that would be even more educational aswell as fun.
At first I was thinking about creating a puzzle which emphasizes on interactivity that is web-based, but I don’t know if that’s going to be too difficult for me.
I’m always up for a challenge but I don’t want to choose anything that is too difficult as I need to show weekly rapports.
Anyway, if you have done something similiar and are able to show it that would be really cool!
Or if you just want to discuss this topic, that’s fine to.
I’m heading to bed now.