Scotland Based Developer

Ok, now I’m unable to gurantee a position but first let me explain.

At the moment I am a freelance developer and I do several contracts for two edinburgh based agencies. One of these agencies is a small company with a handful of clients. The other is a large company with some very high profile clients indeed.

Now I’m on the verge of accepting a permanent position and rather than leave these two companies in the lurch I was hoping to find an ASP developer situated in Scotland here. This means on my departure I could say “Oh hang on I know a developer who might be what your looking for” and then I could pass them a copy of your CV and I would put in a good word for you. But then I’m afraid it’s up to them…if they decide not to get in touch with you then it’s not something I have the power to do anything about.

Both these companies are in Edinburgh, might be best if you’re in Edinburgh but if you don’t mind travelling to Edinburgh that’d be fine. I mean obviously you can work from home but sometimes they may need you in their offices.

You’d have to negotiate your terms with them but I can say that they both pay very well.

If you’re intrested then e-mail me at [email protected]

just realised this is in the wrong forum…it’s in job seekers and it should be in job offers, hmmm I’ll see if I can find a mod to move it for me, sorry :frowning:

Well of course I live in the US, but I would do contract work for them, I know ASP, rather well…