K, I’m pressed for time on this one, so if anyone has the least bit of input it would help me out alot!
I’ve got a folder with about 150 jpgs in there, all listed numerically (001-150). And this person needs an autorun slideshow with transitions between each pic made to be dislplayed on a projector. So, I’m looking at using screens since you can add the transitions to them. But, is there a way to have the movie grab each pic externally (instead of me having to insert each one), and have the transitions random between pics. Also, in my reading up on this (I’m new to this element in flash) it seems that screens only cycle trough by using buttons or the keyboard, and I need this thing to run on its own. Would screens be my bag on this, or should I look into the slideshow feature (which doesn’t seem to have transititons).
Thanks guys