Script causes dead player


i made this movieclip using kirupa’s snow script. I haven’t modified anything accept for the movie size paths. Why am i getting an error saying that the script will cause my computer to become unresponsive?

here’s the movie

and here’s the fla

any ideas?:q: :hat: I:-) ;( :pirate: :hangover:

I get an Unexpected File Format error when opening your file (I run MX).

It seems to me that you don’t have a stop() action at the end of your movie, so your movie keeps looping over the script and running it over and over.

That is just going by looks though.

i do though. i have stop ctions on all the correct frames. I’m using MX too. but for some strang reason this snow thing just isn’t responding correctly.
i want it to fit nicely in here:

i’m about to can the whole snow thing.

well i fixed it. seems like there’s a problem with kirupa’s code for the first fram of the snow movie clip, i just deleted the code altogether and duplicated the MC on my own, now it works like a charm check it out.


Hmmmm. Odd.

The script works fine for me copied and pasted.

But at least you got it working :slight_smile:

you think you can check out my level hierarchy post and see where i went wrong there? i think i put the code that senocular told me to put in all the right places but still no go. me confused again


You are probably better off sticking with senocular on that one.

He has been going through this with you the whole time so knows exactly whats going on. And he is an excellent scripter and explainer.

actionscript is so confusing. why can’t it be as easy as photoshop or illustrator? Why can’t i just type. do this, do that, make my car go super fast, go to work for me and collect my paycheck? i mean is that too much to ask? LOL:trout:

LOL, AS is a whole language. Did you just go into Spanish class (or whichever language class you had in school) and learn it the first day? Nope, you gotta spend lots and lots of time studying and practicing it :slight_smile:

actually, once you get used to the terms and language, it WILL be like writing sentences!!
explain it fer me lost…i’m too lazy to type…read my mind for me:sure:

if (Makaveli == noSense) {
delete Makaveli;
} else {
Surprise = true;

Like that?

no you should have given the sentence in enlgish then convert to actionscript

if (Makaveli doesn’t make sense) {
delete Makaveli;
} otherwise {
Surprise = true;

wait a minute…this doens’t make any sense

if (Makaveli == noSense) {
delete Makaveli;
} else {
Surprise = true;

i’m lost…