Script help

Okay, some time ago someone made a little inventory fla. to help me out. But now I am looking at it and can’t figure one thing out. First here is the script with the section I can’t get.

Inventory = new Array();
InventoryQuantity=new Array()
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
  **var Text = _root["Item"+(i+1)];**
  if (InventoryQuantity* == 1) {
   **Text.text = Inventory*;
**  } else {
**   Text.text = Inventory*+" x"+InventoryQuantity***
  if (Inventory* == undefined) {
   Text.text = "None";

The bold section is the part I need help with. Mainly the last two, which are basicly saying *“Item”+(i+1).text = Inventory **, etc. This works and all, with 8 text fields named Item1-8. But what if they where in a MC. Isn’t that bold section where you would add the MC name with a “.” after it like so. *MC.Text.text = Inventory; **. But its not. I don’t know. I have been thinking to hard lately and just need some help getting this script to work in a MC. Brains gonna fry from to much work.