Script Tweek help

Hi Everyone,

I have a slideshow script that I need to tweek slightly. I’ve used it previously to load any chosen image from a bunch of thumbnails but for this one I just need the first image (image1) to load then the user can scroll forward and backwards as required. All works well other than it displays no image until an arrow is clicked. I have tried hardcoding image1 into this part (loadMovie(“image”+mypic+".jpg", “square”)) but it is not working. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please be gentle I’m a newbie to this forum :wink:

Thanks in advance,

var chosen;
var mypic;
square._alpha=0; // set movie clip called square to transparent i.e. alpha=0
mypic=chosen; // mypic is a variable is used to count the images in the show

_root.onEnterFrame = function() // _root main movie timeline, when movie starts call function

if (square._alpha <10) // if square movie contains image with less than 10% transparency
//loadMovie(“images/image”+mypic+".jpg", “square”) // Local
loadMovie(“image”+mypic+".jpg", “square”) // load image1.jpg into movie square
fadeOut=false; // image is not fading out
fadeIn=true; // image fade In is set to true

if (square._alpha &gt; 10 && fadeOut) 
square._alpha -= 10; // if fading fade movie = movie – 10% alpha until faded out

if (square._alpha &lt; 100 && fadeIn && !fadeOut) // if image is fading and not Out 
square._alpha += 10; // increment fade in 10% until completely faded in i.e. 100% alpha 
else // if image is not fading in or out i.e. has loaded then do not fade in the image 


next.onPress = function()
if (mypic < 12 && !fadeIn && !fadeOut)
if (mypic >= 12)

back.onPress = function()
if (mypic > 1 && !fadeIn && !fadeOut)
fadeOut = true;
if (mypic == 1 && !fadeIn && !fadeOut) // if image is on 1 go to the last image in series