i have a little issue with my flash site now … ive updated it and added more stuff to it …but now when you go to the flash site you have to right click and press play in order for the flash site to play …do you know the script which runs the PLAY command automaticly …please help me out here …any help will do…
it has to be play0 command which goes into html sorce, i just dont remember what exactly it should be like +play() or play(nfp.swf)!!! …
i tried those 2 and i didn’t work, probably cuz it should go together with javascript command or something
I don’t see why you would have to add a code in the HTML, the most likely reason that your movie is stoping is because you’ve added a stop action somewhere so your better off removing that or adding a play action to your first frame of your movie. No use for HTML.
*Originally posted by nirvana7001 *
**i have a little issue with my flash site now … ive updated it and added more stuff to it …but now when you go to the flash site you have to right click and press play in order for the flash site to play …do you know the script which runs the PLAY command automaticly …please help me out here …any help will do…
it has to be play0 command which goes into html sorce, i just dont remember what exactly it should be like +play() or play(nfp.swf)!!! …
i tried those 2 and i didn’t work, probably cuz it should go together with javascript command or something
Please Help!!! **
Yeah i understand … but i need a program called
“URL Action Editor” or something similar to it … so if somebody can help me out in anyway and provide me with this program or something similar to it…i would really appreciate it…
heres the link to the program i need but its $40… URL Action Editor … so if someone can hook me up with this program or somehing close to it …i would be so greatfull…