Scripted movement help!

I’m not sure how to describe my problem clearly but here goes;

I’m messing around with some MC’s with scripted movement. I have 3 MC’s and 4 buttons three to control the Y pos of the MC’s and one to reset the y pos of only the first MC.

The movement script sits in frame one on the timeline and is called by the buttons.

When each of the buttons is pressed the corresponding MC moves to the desired y pos.

This works fine.

The 4th buttons purpose is to move the first MC back. But instead all the MC’s move back.

Why ???

I’ve attached the FLA because I’ve just read this back to myself and I’m lost already.

Please help.


if you make different variables to each mc that will not happen.
Like this: (attached file)

Cheers :ub:

thanks for the swift reply Guig0, sounds like the kind of mistake I’d make.

unfortunately I can’t download the FLA. I click the link and I just get a PHP file on my desktop. I am using the most forum-unfriendly system though; a Mac, OSX, and Safari.

Any tips?

I´m a micro$oft user :stuck_out_tongue:

that´s ok. Just use different variables in the mcs and buttons code, like:

mc pink : targety1
mc green: targety2
mc blue : targety3

got it?

Ahh… so simple yet so beyond my level of common sense!!

Thanks very much,

Now my day can go on.

Cheers and long live the Mac!!javascript:smilie(’;)’)

Look I can’t even use the bloody smilies properly!!

Don´t be so hard on yourself :stuck_out_tongue: