i was going through some of the tutorials, most recently the “How to Fire” Game Tutorial (http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/fire.htm) and i have a few quick questions.
1 - What does _root refer to? Is it the object that is the code is linked too?
2 - They use _root.fire but I didnt see it defined anywhere so are there no variable declarations in Flash? Can you just make up whatever variables you want?
Which brings me to my 3rd question, which is a little longer. Is there a common set of methods and members that symbols have (ie: x coordinate and y coordinate) and what are they?
4 - In what circumstances would anyone include
in a post?
_root refers to the main timeline in the hierarchy, or the very first timeline of your movie.
You can declare variables, or you can just dynamically create them. Here is a tutorial on the variable scope in Flash MX http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/tricks/scope.asp
Yes there is a common set, open up Flash MX, open the actions panel, in there you will see a “+” icon towards the top. Click on that and go to “Properties”, these are all the properties you can use associated with movie clips. Check out the other sections while your at it. Also on the left there should be a pull-out menu of the entire index of actions you can use. You can find full descriptions of most actionscript actions via the AS Reference in Flash MX… go to Window/Reference to open that panel and select the action from the left to see what it does and how it is used.
"I ate some bad eggs this morning and now I don’t feel so good
:hangover: "
"Green eggs and ham said sam I am
[edit]drat… thor beat me[/edit]