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I’ve got a flash document using AS3. It dynamically reads data from an XML file, and creates a bunch of single line textFields. Could be like this:
<Line>this is line 1</Line>
<Line>this is line 2</Line>
<Line>this is line 3</Line>
So, for each node, it would create a new TextField, and change the textField.y value so that they are “stacked” on top of each other.
All this if fine, except that if you hae so many “lines” (or textfields) that the “stack” is taller than the Flash Document size. What I would like to do is have a scroll bar or something so you can scroll the stack of TextFields. Doesnt’ even need to be a scroll bar. Maybe an arrow button at the bottom, and when you click on it, it scrolls down. One for up too.
Any suggestions?