Scroll bar

people…i need help…
i 1 2 hav a scroll bar…when scroll to any level,it wil go to certain frame…
the higher the scroll bar…the frame number is bigger…

you need to make the piece that indicates how far down the scroll bar you are in relation to the number of frames you have. eg:

frame to go to = (total frames/height of scrollbar) x position of indicator

example: frame_pos=math.Round((142/100)*40)

for the above, if the total number of your frames were 142, and the height of the scrollbar was 100, dividing these two would give you the number of frames incremented by scrolling one place up or down. multiply that by the position of the scrolling piece in relation to the size of the scrollbar and you have it.

i had try but i fail to do it…
can u post a simple fla for me?