I’m trying to change kirupa’s xml gallery to scroll the foto on rollover based on xmouse and ymouse .
here is what im trying to do:
of course something is wrong… 
can anyone please help me?
here are the files: http://www.soromenho.net/thumbnail/thumbnail2.zip
thank you so much
in the “picture” movie clip just used
onClipEvent (load) {
destX = _x;
destY = _y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
picW = this._width;
picH = this._height;
if (picW>300) {
posH = picW-320;
posV = picH-220;
destX = -_parent._xmouse*posH/300;
destY = -_parent._ymouse*posV/220;
if (destX>0) {
destX = 0;
if (destX<-posH) {
destX = -posH;
if (destY>0) {
destY = 0;
if (destY<-posV) {
destY = -posV;
_x = _x+(destX-_x)*0.100000;
_y = _y+(destY-_y)*0.100000;
and its all working fine