hi all, quick question for u;
i have a flash file where iv taken the UIScrollbar, imported the scrollbar assests and customised the bar as i require it. this works great and everything is fine. however, when i import the bar and assets into the present flash file i am working on, the actual scroll bar remains a solid white rectangle and does not work. if i import my customised bar in any other file, it does work.
if i create a new txt box - dynamic and mutliline - and drag over a new UIScrollbar from the components menu, again, all i get is solid white rectangle bar. it doesnt even show the default scoll bar. where am i going wrong? it cant solely be a problem with this specific file im working on, can it?? i have a preloader in this file; could it be tampering with the scrollbar component??
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. thanks all.