Scrollbar ... MouseUp. waaaay way from MouseDown

I have a scroll bar. I want to program it so that if you mouse up anywhere that it stops. (Rather than having to mouse up directly over the scroll bar.) I remember there being a simple solution for this, but I don’t remember what that solution was.

    import flash.display.MovieClip
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    public class HolmanScrollBar extends MovieClip
        public function HolmanScrollBar(barHeight:Number, target:MovieClip = null):void
            bar_mc.y = handle_mc.y = upArrow_btn.height+10;
            bar_mc.height = barHeight - (bar_mc.y * 2)
            downArrow_btn.y = bar_mc.y + bar_mc.height + 10 + downArrow_btn.height;
            handle_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragHandle);
            handle_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragHandle);
            if(target != null)
        private function dragHandle(e:MouseEvent):void
            handle_mc.startDrag(false, new Rectangle(bar_mc.x+.5, bar_mc.y, 0, bar_mc.height-handle_mc.height));
        private function stopDragHandle(e:MouseEvent):void