I just wanted to know how to make content in a dynamic text box scroll continuously, right now you can only click on the up to move it up a bit, and down to move it down a bit etc. I want the user to be able to hold down the button to make the content scroll. Could anyone help me with this please?
Thanks in advance!
the code on the up button:
on (release) {
the code on the down button:
on (release) {
contentArea.scroll += 1;
contentArea is the instance name of my dynamic text box.
Hmm I just tried that too and it doesnt work. maybe something is missing? do i have to get rid of my old actionscript coding as well? cos i tried with and without but it still doesn’t work
fraggs, that wouldn’t target the text…that ‘this’ would target the MC button its self, even if you did target the text, that would scroll infinitely with no relent, with pressing anything at that… :h:
Macneilslt, thanks! I looked at your .fla file and changed mine in the same way, and now it finally works, yay
Thanks to everyone as well for your help
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