Scroller help

Hey i read the tutorial on how to make a scroller but with flash components.

but i want to know how can i make my own scroller like

click on the PARTICIPANTES and the in the submenu EXPOSITORES

then click on any name and you will see what i am talking about…
if its possible a .fla so i can learn how to make it


Yo, there is a scolling clips movie attached.
Just change the button instances to “On rollover” rather than “On press”.

Although Rage has already posted, im attaching my example.

AA great thanks guys !!! :beer: :beer:

now ive seen this in several sites…

you have your box where the text is going to appear now where the text dissapears or where theres no mask i have seen that it has this like smoothe fade in text… as if the mask had some radial fill or something like that… i dont know if you understand…