okay. on my scene there is a ‘bothleftnrightmain’ Movie Clip & in that MC there is ‘maintextbox’ Movie Clip & ‘rightImages’ movie Clip. in the ‘maintextbox’ Movie Clip i have a mask over my scrolling text that moves left to right. but for some reason when i test my fla. the text does not appear. i think i did every thing rite…
my text is dynamic.
the text box instance name is TextField
on my up arrow i put…
on(press) {
textField.scroll -= 1;
on the down arrow i put…
on(press) {
textField.scroll += 1;
when i text it every thing appears but the text…? any ideas? really stuck & the deadline is tomorrow morning…plz
*Originally posted by claudio *
**I dont have mx2004 here, but heres how you do it on mx:
on properties panel, hit the button Character… and select the option All Characters **
i am using 2004 & i dont see ‘all characters’.
there are two options. 1. No characters 2. Specify ranges. and a ‘auto fill’ button…??
another thing if possible. how do i do the max sroll. so when i hold down on the button. it goes to the bottom. does that require code in the actions panel…?
on both buttons & applied the script in the 1st frame on the timeline. & i gave my instance names upp butt : “up_button”.
down butt: “down_button” & text field instance name is ‘text1’
but nothing is working?
maybe because my text is inside a MC that is inside MC & the script is on that timeline, maybe it needs to be on the timeline of the scene…???
ummm…i did everything the same & applied it to my site & got this error message…
Error Symbol=mainTextBox, layer=Layer 4, frame=25:Line 1: String literal was not properly terminated
myTextField.text = " RoCkit Q & A
Error Symbol=mainTextBox, layer=Layer 4, frame=25:Line 3: Syntax error.
What is RoCkit?
Error Symbol=mainTextBox, layer=Layer 4, frame=25:Line 4: ‘:’ expected
RoCkit is the brand name given to Cybercell’s GSM pre-paid service available locally from BaTelCo.