Scrolling a movieclip

Hi all.
Bit stuck at the moment.
I have a site that is all but finished but while adding the copy the client asked for scroll bars.

I had a script which I used in a previous site which worked fine, so thought i would re-use it. The only problem is when I try to use a different font the scolling text becomes much larger than it should be, and I just cannot find what could be causing this.

I have pasted the code below in the hope there is a clue I have missed.
Alternatively, does anybody have a better idea for scrolling a movieclip?.
I need to have my own custom scrollbars and no borders so the ScrollPane component is out.

Any advice would be welcome.




fscommand(“allowscale”, “false”);
bar.useHandCursor = dragger.useHandCursor=false;
space = 20;
friction = 0.9;
speed = 4;
y = dragger._y;
top = main._y;
bottom = main._y+mask_mc._height-main._height-space;
dragger.onPress = function() {
drag = true;
this.startDrag(false, this._x, this._parent.y, this._x,;
dragger.onMouseUp = function() {
drag = false;
bar.onPress = function() {
drag = true;
if (this._parent._ymouse>this._y+this._height-this._parent.dragger._height) {
this._parent.dragger._y = this._y+this._height-this._parent.dragger._height;
} else {
this._parent.dragger._y = this._parent._ymouse;
bar.onMouseUp = function() {
drag = false;
moveDragger = function (d) {
if ((dragger._y>=y+bar._height-dragger._height && d == 1) || (dragger._y<=y && d == -1)) {
} else {
dragger._y += d;
up_btn.onPress = function() {
myInterval = setInterval(moveDragger, 18, -1);
down_btn.onPress = function() {
myInterval = setInterval(moveDragger, 18, 1);
up_btn.onMouseUp = down_btn.onMouseUp=function () {
MovieClip.prototype.scrollEase = function() {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (Math.abs(dy) == 0 && drag == false) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
r = (this._y-y)/(bar._height-this._height);
dy = Math.round((((top-(top-bottom)*r)-main._y)/speed)*friction);
main._y += dy;