Does anybody know how I can scroll text in a dynamic text box. I have created an input box for users to type answers and this is scrollable. I have also created another box to display the answer from the input box (so the users can print their answers) but I cannot make this scrollable. Is this an impossibility? Any help will be apreciated.
Is that similar to what you want?
Make an up arrow button! code=
on (release) {
currentScroll = myText.scroll;
if (Number(currentScroll)>1) {
myText.scroll = currentScroll-1;
Down arrow button code:
on (release) {
currentScroll = myText.scroll;
if (Number(currentScroll)<Number(myText.maxscroll)) {
myText.scroll = Number(currentScroll)+1;
(change myText to the intant name of your txt box!)
Hope that’s what you’re after!?
I’ll try this out and let you know how I get on. It looks about what want and even better because I can make the scrollbars invisible. Thanks
Will this work with a scrollbar component? If so where would I put the code?
Cheers AM