Scrolling Dynamically Loaded Text?

I followed the tutorial for Scrolling Dynamically Loaded Text & its works well. The problem I am experiencing I have a limited about of space in my movie for the text box. The text file has all the data that I need to display but for some reason I only see a portion of the information & I can’t seem to figure out my mistake.

Any help would be appreciated.



if you have an & symbol (ampersand) then it won’t show past that point.

& defined a new variable, so Flash reads it that way and considers it a stopping point.


You are the best. Thanks so much for the help.


LOL… no problem :geek:


I had the same problem as Deb and reading about this “&” helped me too. Thank you so much.

No problem Liliya! :slight_smile:

If you found this thread, my guess is that you used the search feature of the forum… and I have to say THANK YOU!!! I was beginning to think that was something only mods could see because no one ever uses it. It makes me happy that you did :beam:

Yeah, I did use the search feature. In fact, I searched till the end of the internet back and forth these past few days to find out all I need to know about loading external text files. I am new to flash, but I pick things up quick. Your post really took me of the stumbling point. Now I just have to figure out how to scroll my externally loaded text.

Anyway, thanks so much once again.

For scrolling dynamically loaded text you could use the scrollbar component method as seen here…

Or an up and down arrow method as seen here…

The up and down arrow method tutorial doesn’t have dynamically loaded text, but I am sure if you skip the part about adding text into the textbox and just have your loaded text get loaded in it should work just the same (in theory).

Creating a custom made scrollbar like the component is a lot of hard work and coding, so you might not want to tread there yet. I am not even sure I can do one of those.

wow, thanks for the URLs. The scrollbar component I;m not crazy about, I’m really trying to get the up and down scroller, which I will try now from the tut you gave me. You are a lot of help, lostinbeta. Thank you so much.

Im not too crazy about the scrollbar component either, so I don’t blame you.

I am glad you foud those links useful :slight_smile: