Scrolling image "button" problem

this has got me scratching my noodle :-\

I am trying to get a group of images to scroll using 2 buttons (one up, one down)

now for some reason it doesnt seem to be working…I have done it before as seen here…

Here’s is what my problem looks like:

Here is the FLA:

Your help is greatly appreciated C:-)

I would reccomend moving the clip up and down using action script rather than changing frames on a tween. Give me some time and I’ll post something

here. its probably not the most efficient way to do it but im kinda trashed right now. It works though.

*Originally posted by grandsp5 *
**here. its probably not the most efficient way to do it but im kinda trashed right now. It works though. **
thankyou :azn:

no problem