I have some text that I load into a dynamic textfield,with the UIscrollBar.And now I would like to load a image into the textfield aswell,that will scroll with the text.I asume dynamic texfields doesn`t allow images?but how can I do this an other way?
It would be great if someone could help me with this:beam:
Your right…you can’t load images into a text field, take a look at this tut. Its a custom scroller that u can add images, text, movieclips and other swf into:
May be you can try ur hand on html rendering of text in flash. you can use <img>tag of flash with ur text to display image into textfield.
with regards
Thanx.I will check out the tut.
Thanx sandeep_cdac200
I allredy tried html text with the <img> tag,but I didn`t got it to work.How does it work?