Scrolling Thumbnails in MX?!?

Hi scotty,

You’re not going to believe this, but it’s actually working now!!:party:

When I initially added the brackets () to the function it still wasn’t working so I checked out my XML file yet again. I changed the next thumbnail image to the same as the one that was showing OK and hey presto they were showing. But when I changed it back to the previous one it wasn’t!:puzzled: So I figured that there was something wrong with the JPEG file and when I saved another one there they were again.:smiley:

A good thing to come out of this is that after looking through the AS code so often, I’ve actually picked up what a few thing do and how it works (not all but some!!).

Thanks for helping me out with this one, it has been a great help. Have a virtual :beer: on me!!

no problem =)