I managed today to do this magic… I use xml to load the url’s with thumbnails. Mail me at info@zoo.nl, then I send you my files, they are to big for this list.
Took me almost a complete week to put it together. I’m also for hire to do the job for you 
Checkout www.barts.nl next week, say from 30 september 2004.
But here is my code:
// copyleft studio ZOO, http://www.zoo.nl
// released under GNU GPL licence, leave this notice intact
// fill in your server
_global.URL = “http://someserver”;
this.onLoad = onThisMovieLoaded;
// initiate xml loading
// xml load function
function LoadCol() {
catId = _level0.catId;
mcLoader.contentPath = _level0.catImage;
var colXml = new XML();
colXml.ignoreWhite = true;
colXml.onLoad = onColXmlLoaded;
colXml.load(_global.URL + “/include/php/collection_xml.php?catid=2”);
//colXml.load(“http://www.barts.nl/include/php/collection_xml.php?catid=” + catId);
// get the xml parts, put them in emptymovieclips, put the emptymovieclips as content in a scrollPane
// make sure you have a scrollPane on stage, and name myScrollPane
function onColXmlLoaded() {
arColNodes = this.firstChild.childNodes;
myScrollPane.contentPath = “Empty”;
myScrollPane.border = false;
sc = myScrollPane.content;
//myScrollPane.hScrollPolicy = “off”;
for (i=0; i<arColNodes.length; i++) {
var currentId = arColNodes*.attributes.id;
var currentName = arColNodes*.attributes.name;
var colImage = arColNodes*.attributes.image1;
// this is the path to my thumbnails
var image2_url = _global.URL + “/repository/tn/”+colImage;
s = currentId;
sc.createEmptyMovieClip(s, i);
sc[s].createEmptyMovieClip(“holder”, i+100); // <- watch the depth
sc[s].holder.loadMovie(image2_url); // <- change path
// the next rule is a stupid hack, to get the scrollPane to show
// the scrollbars, the textfield is not used
// maybe an emptymovieclip does the trick, I guess
sc[s].holder.createTextField("pT", i, 0, 0, 100, 20);
// give the movieclip an ._y position for a horizontal scrollPane
sc[s].holder._y = i*100;
sc[s].setSize(100, 100);
sc[s].onPress = function() {
thisId = this._name;
function loadProduct() {
lv = new LoadVars();
System.useCodepage = true;
url = _global.URL + “/include/php/product2.php?id=”+thisId;
lv.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
txtProductName.text = this.ProductName;
txtProductNumber.text = this.ProductNumber;
txtProductColors.text = this.ProductColor;
mcLoader.contentPath = _global.URL + “/repository/”+this.ProductImage;