Scrollpanel Component Question


I know that in Flash MX, you can add Flash’s built in scrollpane component to the stage, and set its content clip via actionscript, like this:

this.attachMovie(“FScrollPaneSymbol”, “mcScroll”, depth);
this.mcScroll.setScrollContent(a movie name here);

Along with a series of other functions like “setScrollPosition”, and “setSize”, etc.

Okay, so i know you can do it in MX…but I don’t see the “setScrollContent” function anywhere in MX 2004. To be honest I may not have looked, I can’t rembemer it was a while ago…but it’s a question that just popped into my mind, and I’m at work running MX, so I can’t check.

Anyone know if these functions were ditched in the 2004 release, or if they still exist and just aren’t documented?
