hey i got a question: is there somewhere a page where u can find sponsors for ur homepage? its like this: i need some financial support - but i got NO clue where to ask or inform myself… u got any ideas? i dont mean any bad commercial-pages, but something really serious…
tnx, got no idea if anyone knows …
Have you tried getting a job? Robbing a bank?? Early retirement???
lol… j/k man, I really have no idea…
hahah… sure but i dont wanna spend all my money for my page
wow that was a fast answer!
tmx .ma
Ya i don’t think anything like this is out there. Unless you mean advertisers who will pay to put an add on your site to fund it.
I think the only option here is to like eilsoe said rob a bank.
humm… yeah im thinking of a little banner… heheh… its not usual to robb a bank here
most banner sharing sites require you to have a certain amount of traffic before they will pay to put an add on your site.
heheh tnx yeah i did it, its already in the SOTW i think
oh man i know who you are. I saw your site a while back and it blew my mind. I think it was on www.bestflashanimationsite.com or something. Kick *** site man.
Oh ya and welcome to the forums:)
yeah i remember… u saw it there?? very kooL!
manoman this forum is so kool - its like livechat!
Love your site by the way, absolutely gorgeous.
wow … that made me feel like such a newbie
Yup… it just won SOTW!
There are a number of ways you can make money off the internet, much like our friends Karyn and that [URL=http://www.giveboobs.com/]chick who wanted a new set of knockers.
You could put up a Paypal button and just beg for money (this has been successful for many, including Karyn). If you have a webcam, set aside some time to sit in front of it looking cute. Meanwhile, set up amazon wishlist so your stalkers can shower you with gifts, much like the well-known camgirls, [URL=http://www.lush.nu]Chelle and [URL=http://www.agali.net]Nay. Pretty soon, you’ll be as rich as someone who actually goes to work to earn their living!
humm… tnx for ur ideas… but didnt like them so much, but the one with the looking cute was kool heheh…
i just need a rich person who wants to give some munney
o ill reply to that sotw in the sotw-forum when those feedbacks are out… tnx alot!!
yeah i was going ot say that, a venture capitalist…you got talent, i wouldnt mind taking a risk on yeah…you could be the next 2A or FI
could i be like your honorary sponsor who doesnt pay any money but goes around calling you his sponsoree? ive alwys wanted a sponoree. ive always like dchicken too. ILL BE YOUR COMPLIMENTARY HONORARY SPONSOR. ok
got no idea