Shoot son, that’s no way to go to grad.
Bummer :-/
Why weren’t you in the mood?
Seb, man I wish I was there to cheer you up, that saddens me reading your post, everyone on this forum knows how great of a guy you are. Hopefully things turn out better in the future
[QUOTE=leisuresuitlissy;2324810]Why weren’t you in the mood?[/QUOTE]
Just some things happened between me and somebody else, its my last week of school now so I will miss everybody and just lots of little things. The last week or 2 I was in a really good mood every day and now it just the opposite.
Seb your so :sad:
Have I not always been like that.
It’s all good, man. My prom was $#!* too, my date didn’t want to dance because she ‘didn’t know how’, and on the way home the transmission in my car blew. On top of that, my other chick friend that was along for the ride got attacked by my girlfriend’s dog, and I got neither drunk nor laid.
The lesson here: prom is for boy scouts. College is when the real parties start.
^So true.
It only sucked because I was really upset, and I am still quite upset.
XKCD today:
^LOL. I just hope to cheer up again.
You need to see a shrink and get on some anti-depressants.
I’m going to be needing them soon after reading this thread.
[QUOTE=fester8542;2325205]You need to see a shrink and get on some anti-depressants.
I’m going to be needing them soon after reading this thread.[/QUOTE]
Maybe, I dunno why I always feel this like.
Because I really do think you’re chemically imbalanced. I’m not being a jerk. It’s pretty common among kids in military families. All the bouncing around and stuff.
It wouldn’t hurt to consult a professional.
I tend to advocate self-medicating.
It wouldn’t hurt to consult a professional.[/quote]
Get laid thats professional advice at no cost.
I just seem to get hurt easily and when things upset me, they really get to me and i have no way of forgetting about it.
Toughen up. Get in some fights. Learn to shoot. Drink more. Put yourself in situations where you KNOW you’ll be disappointed, so you’ll gradually become numb to it. Once you accept that man’s natural state is with a scowl on his face, you’ll be a lot better off.
jesus dan you’re a barrel of sunshine.
Don’t listen to that ^^ Seb.
Don’t know about ya’ll but high school for most of the people I know, myself included, pretty much sucked all around. I couldn’t wait to get out of there and once I was gone and never looked back I began to enjoy myself much more.
Life is what you make it, so try to make it fun and do some good in the world at the same time.