Well tomorrow is my Prom and I thought today I would just have a test try of my suit. Sadly I don’t have a date but I will manage :p:. Below are some pics:
Well tomorrow is my Prom and I thought today I would just have a test try of my suit. Sadly I don’t have a date but I will manage :p:. Below are some pics:
Sebby needs a haircut and to iron his pants then sebby will be on the prowl
[whisper] make sure to take care o that jungle :lol: [/whisper]
^My mum is going to iron the pants later, I went to the hair dresser today but I didn’t want to get it cut since they always cut it ****ty so. The jungle has been taken care of.
Get a haircut, for sure =p
Def need a haircut.
Was expecting some light blue suit :lol: gl.
Doesn’t sebby look like one of the Beatles :lol:
Nice shots. Cut the hair. It looks ridiculous.
You guys sound like my mum, she says my hair looks stupid too, I do agree, but I hate getting it cut because it always looks crap after.
Maybe get your haircut at a different place??
Maybe go w/ a different style then. It straight looks like you have a wig on.
The suit looks pimp tho, have fun man :party: :p:
You need one of those suits.
Get hair cut shorter and spikey imo.
Yeah man, you’ve got lego hair.
Cut it.
[QUOTE=leisuresuitlissy;2323917]Yeah man, you’ve got lego hair.[/QUOTE]:lol: Haha that describes it perfectly.
[QUOTE=leisuresuitlissy;2323917]Yeah man, you’ve got lego hair.
Cut it.[/QUOTE]
Those are the exact words my mum uses to describe them.
I just submitted a thread to the battle section to photoshop Sebby. I should have ran it by Seb before but oh well.
If it gets approved, I will do a pirate version of Seb.
I just thought I was being witty.
Big pimpin’! Make your date an offer she can’t refuse. :party:
//yeah, kinda like that.
Like in the Godfather?
I usually cut my hair several weeks prior to an event like this, fresh hair cuts are ridiculous, but a nice worked in hair cut is what gets the ladies going
Have fun chap
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