I would like to implement a security method when publishing my swf, so that it cannot be copied and ran from another domain. Secondly, soon I will be (trying to) implement some kind of score system and I’d like to secure it, too, against hacking.
The domain check protection will be inside the swf, as well as some other protection. but with the number of decompilers, it’s not difficult to get rid of those protections. So I’d like to make it difficult to change the decompiled swf.
It doesn’t have to be a 100% secure system. The goal is to make it more expensive to hack it than to write it from scratch. It’s a beginner game application, but I will write more, so why not make the security excercise already.
After initial research I think a combination of two methods would make sense:
[]using a pre-loader as described in post #33 in this thread: kirupaForum
[]using some kind of obfuscator, like e.g. irrFuscator
If there is a simpler method, let me know.
[Edit] by obfuscator I mean making variables and function names look meaningless for humans
The problem is that I don’t know how to implement the first point. The author says:
“that loader swf needs to call for the main swf via server code and not directly. not loader.load(myswf.swf) but loader.load(some.php) which echoes out the binary data that is the real swf”
Any idea how to do this? All tutorials that I found use exactly loader.load(my.swf) - but how to do it as suggested with php ?
Also, maybe there is a free alternative to irrFuscator because it is not free anymore (looks like it was before). Maybe not a box solution, maybe some code, class etc. Something to start with.