See if you can figure this out

i would like to have movieclips that are duplicated in a position off screen and then scroll across the screen in a direction that i specify in the script then once off screen on the other side they disappear.

i don’t want all the movieclips to look the same though so i thought about adding a few frames to the base movieclip with different images in them then when the movieclip is duplicated it will choose a random frame to gotoAndStop on.

sounds kinda neat to me. i’m trying to understand how the movieclip duplication scripts work. it’s illuding me at the moment but i’d like to figure it out.

thanks for your help =)

here’s a tutorial for it, but its not loading correctly. I am pretty sure this is what you want.

there’s no link there … ?

jubba :whistle:

jubby :whistle:

is anybody home :q:

lol sorry…

that tutorial shows me how to bounce stuff around

what i want to do with the script at the moment is have leaves blowing across the screen. i will have several different small images of leaves in the mc and then when they are generated they will pick a random frame or leaf image and then go across the screen and disappear

wait maybe i’m missing something … i didn’t read through it completely … just skimmed the code

i’m going to do the tutorial and post back here what i find

thank you :slight_smile:

That will show you how to move the code. That is pretty much all I wanted for you from that tut.

As for duplicating the movieclip then you would have to use an If statement to check the frequency and then dup the MC.

can’t go into it because i have class and work to do. If no one has answered by the time I return then I will post a response.

i’ll check back later

thank you very much for your help =)