See your name!

Hey guys…

Put this URL in your bar and enter your name after the = and press enter.

It’s kinda rude, not too bad but quite amusing…

  • Soul :goatee:

[edit]Sorry man… Gotta get that outta here… :trout:

By Jubba[/edit]

Dude that chick was so hot for me:beam:

Well at least this time i got to see the link before Big K pulled it. I think buy the end of the day it will probably be gone. Nice link though:beam:

lol, yeah someone posted this some time ago too! :stuck_out_tongue:

good stuff :smirk:


Kman is prolly going to pull this one…

think of the eilsoe smiley incident…

but funny nonetheless…




the boob smilie! :beam:

yeah! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hehe well I found it amusing…

Will Kirupa remove it? I put a warning lol

  • Soul :goatee:

Oh man! I wish there was a beatiful smooth-skinned model instead! lol!

I pulled that so Kman didn’t have to. Sorry guys…

*Originally posted by Jubba *
**I pulled that so Kman didn’t have to. Sorry guys… **

Wise movie Jubba. This was posted before and was pulled, no reason it wouldn’t have been pulled again.

Fair enough, sorry if I’ve caused any trouble

  • Soul :goatee:

well whats the link anyways? :P:P

hmmm maybe it could be relayed in some sort of encoded way so only smart people to know the link. Technically its not posting the link, since its not the link, but you know… a way of SHARING the link without, you know, going against baord policy…

Sharing the link in any form is against forum policy Sen.

but its not the link its just text :wink:

well that explains why Im not a mod… (or at least appear not to be out in the open :bad: )

Yeah… and if you uncheck the “Automatically Parse URLS” checkbox it is just text as well. But it is still the URL, in some form or another, and that is not allowed.





ya… you tell em lost!:chinaman:

are you like trying to fool the mods yet again? :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope it is not allowed. But… ew.

L olnh vha

…in some sort of non-offensive way.