Segmented Preloader!

Im sorry if this has been cover somwhere else - i couldnt find anything when i did a search:

How do you make a segmented preloader ?

Like; when 10% is loaded it will tell a movied clip to play and that movie clip just goes to frame 2 wich has a little picture in, so when the preloader reaches 100% there are 10 little pictures (10 little pictures, 10 Movie Clips, All 10 are on frame 2)

Thanks for all your wonderful help in advanced, hope to see a reply soon :smiley:

Try something like:

if(_root.getBytesLoaded() == (0.1*_root.getBytesTotal())){
if(_root.getBytesLoaded() == (0.2*_root.getBytesTotal())){

Don’t mind the code grammar…just posting a thought.

It’s a good question.
Hey… i’ve faced almost a similar problem before that when the movie loaded 95% there come a movieclip. I’ve calculated the loding time using getBytesLoaded() and getBytesTotal(). But in different line speeds the movie acts different way just 'ause the variabel that holds that value often beyond our control. In high speed connection that suddently passed the value and i didn’t get any results.