Selected button in menu

hey, i was wondering if anyone would be keen to convert this to AS3 for me? ive had a go but can only get the rollovers/out working not the selected button function… I tried using event.currentTarget but i dont know how to reset the previous selected button…

Heres the AS2 script:

Created by Helen Triolo 2006/05/13 for
As described at

// create an array of all nav buttons in group
var groupinfo:Array = [birds, dogs, bears, giraffes, mice];

// create constants to define start and stop of grow and shrink sequences
// (shrink should be exactly the same sequence as grow, in reverse frame order)
var GROWSTART:Number = 10;
var GROWSTOP:Number = 19;
var SHRINKSTART:Number = 20;
var SHRINKSTOP:Number = 29;

// create a variable to track the currently selected button
var activebtn:MovieClip;

// doRollOver: start the rollover action or process,
// unless the button is currently selected
function doRollOver() {
if (this != activebtn) {
// if shrinking, send to corresponding frame in grow
if (this._currentframe > SHRINKSTART && this._currentframe < SHRINKSTOP) {
this.gotoAndPlay(GROWSTART + SHRINKSTOP - this._currentframe);
} else {

// doRollOut: start the rollout action or process,
// unless the button is currently selected
function doRollOut() {
if (this != activebtn) {
// if growing, send to corresponding frame in shrink
if (this._currentframe > GROWSTART && this._currentframe < GROWSTOP) {
this.gotoAndPlay(SHRINKSTART + GROWSTOP - this._currentframe);
} else {

// doClick: 1) return previously selected button to normal, 2) show visual
// indication of selected button, 3) update activebtn
function doClick() {
activebtn.gotoAndStop(SHRINKSTOP); // return previously selected to normal

delete this.onEnterFrame; // stop activity on selected mc
this.gotoAndStop(GROWSTOP); // change appearance of selected mc

activebtn = this; // update pointer to current selection

// assign functions to each event for each button in the group
function init() {
for (var mc in groupinfo) {
groupinfo[mc].onRollOver = doRollOver;
groupinfo[mc].onRollOut = doRollOut;
//groupinfo[mc].onRelease = doClick;
