Sen Does it again

:thumb: Nice sen

starts reading

Very nice, i havent read it yet but congratulations on the tutorial Sen. :thumb:

PS: Theres a broken link on the first page: “So without further ado, let’s continue.”

We Kirupa people can be proud: we now have the best 3D and OOP tutes in the whole World (Wide Web) :beam:

Kirupa did the conversion from what I sent him to the version you see before you :smiley: - there are a few bits of naughty-ness because of that, the continue link being one of them (you can see it links to a file on Kirupas hard drive :P) - another is most of the “Next Section” links should actually read “Next Page” like “Prev Page” unless actually going to the next section where it should then say that. This is primarily in the first 3 sections. Kirupa’s thrown it up there in record time considering the number of pages in that beast. Some errors are bound to slip through (many probably mine at that ;))