Send mail with flash and PHP problem

I am currently in the process of pulling out my hair. I have no idea why this code does not work.
I create loadVars to send to a PHP script that in turn sends an email to me with the variable values. The PHP works because when i go to the url that it points to, it sends me a blank email, so i think the actionscript is the problem since i get NO emails when i try to use the contact form.


Here is the code:

on (release) {
	if ( eq "") {
		_parent.form.errors = "You forgot to fill in your name!";
	} else if ( eq "") {
		_parent.form.errors = "You forgot to fill in your company name!";
	} else if ( eq "") {
		_parent.form.errors = "You forgot to fill in your e-mail address!";
	} else if ( eq "") {
		_parent.form.errors = "You forgot to fill in your phone number!";
	} else {
		mail_vars = new LoadVars(); =; =; =;
		mail_vars.comments = _parent.form.comments;
		mail_vars.onLoad = function(success) {
			if (success) {
				_parent.form.errors = "Sent! Thank You!";
				// done with contact form..make this point somewhere
			} else {
				_parent.form.errors = "error with contact form";

		mail_vars.sendAndLoad("", mail_vars, "POST");

and the php

	$name= $_POST['name'];
	$company= $_POST['company'];
	$email= $_POST['email'];
	$phone= $_POST['phone'];
	$comments= $_POST['comments'];
	echo $name;
	$message = '
'.$name .'
'. $company .'
'. $email .'
' .$phone. '
'. $comments .'

	mail("", "POSSIBLE CLIENT!", $message,  "From: email@{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}");

	echo "Sent!";