Send Traffic between two clips

Good Morning,

In a game I am design I have movieclips that are randomly placed. The user can clip on on movieclip then click on another and a line is drawn between the two. No problems so far.

What I am trying to do next is send many,many,mnay… little “traffic” clips down the line between the first clip and the second clip. Haven’t had much luck with it. Any ideas would be helpful.

Flash MX 2004.

Here is the function that actually draws the line:

function activateLine(clp_mc:MovieClip) {
if (curBox == ‘’) {
curBox=new Array();
} else {
lineDraw.lineStyle (2, 0x00FF00, 100);

runPackets is the function for sending traffic, but at the moment i haven’t been able to make it do anything.

THanks in advance.