I’m trying to send variables to a php-file. It works ok with some of the vars but not for continent (see code below). I have all tried the “” around the value - still no go. The clip is loaded from a mouseover function. I have tried to make a trace of the variables, but that doesn’t work either.
Hope you can help me. Maybe also suggest how i make a trace ();
Thanks Kafir
this.createEmptyMovieClip(“myForm”, 0);
myForm.newSearch = 1;
myForm.searchType = 1;
myForm.searchArea = 0;
myForm.pictureReq = 0;
myForm.fromYear = 0000;
myForm.fromMonth = 00;
myForm.fromDay = 00;
myForm.toYear = 0000;
myForm.toMonth = 00;
myForm.toDay = 00;
myForm.duration = 0;
myForm.continent = $continent;
myForm.country = $country;
myForm.region = 0;
myForm.rCity = 0;
myForm.rooms = 0;
myForm.oldContinent = 0;
myForm.oldCountry = 0;
myForm.oldRegion = 0;
myForm.getURL("…/search/searchResults.php", “_blank”, “POST”);