Sending by email (flash form & php) INTERNATIONAL CHARACTERS


I do have a big problem! :slight_smile:

I made a flash form to send variables by a php file for my mail…the fact is that when i receive the mail characters lik “ç ã é” and so on are all messed up!

this is what i have in flash:

  1. imput textfields with several variables, and i already choosed all kind of latin characters, and it isn´t working!
  2. the code for the send button is:

on (release) {
if (!from.length || from.indexOf("@") == -1 || from.indexOf(".") == -1) {
status = “Insere um email válido!”;
} else if (!nome.length) {
status = “Digita o teu nome próprio!”;
} else if (!apelido.length) {
status = "Digita o teu
} else {
loadVariablesNum(“mail.php3”, 5, “POST”);

3.and the code in same frame is:

subject = “beAmodel | nova inscrição”;
message_send = “Inscrição”;
function lineAdapt() {
message_send = message;
nome = "Nome: "+nome;
apelido = "Apelido: "+apelido;
tel = "Tel: "+tel;
telm = "Telm: "+telm;
from = "Email: "+from;
morada = "Morada: "+morada;
localidade = "Localidade: "+localidade;
cod_postal = "Código Postal: “+cod_postal+” - "+cod_postal2;
data_nascimento = "Data de nascimento: "+data_nascimento;
altura = "Altura: "+altura;
obs = "Obs: "+obs;
nome_ee = "Nome do Encarregado de Educação: "+nome_ee;
contacto_ee = "Contacto do Encarregado de Educação: “+contacto_ee;
while (msg_count<length(message)) {
msg_count = msg_count+1;
if ((substring(message_send, msg_count, 2)) eq “\r”) {
message_send = (substring(message_send, 1, msg_count-2)) add "
" add (substring(message_send, msg_count+2, (length(message_send))-msg_count+2));
message = message_send+”
delete msg_count;
delete message_send;

and this is working! I still don´t know if the problem is in flash or in the php file…

and this what i have in “mail.php3”:


mail("[email protected]", $subject, $message, “From: beAgency
Reply-To: $from
X-Mailer: PHP/” . phpversion());

I already tried to save the php file in dreamweaver encoded in UTF-8 but it didin´t worked, actuyally the mail never came!!

what should I do??

Thank u for reading, if u know ssomething about it…i apreciate!! :wink:


or use escape() and unescape() on your strings.

well kalliban, the code

System.useCodepage = true

solved my problem in one way:
it does send the international charecters, the problem is that they appeared to be all right but:

for eg… “coração” it’s like “coraçao”

get it?! :confused:

humm…i don’t have any strings…

and I do not have, for sure, a 17’’ Powerbook :wink:


hehe… don’t worry, the powerbook I can manage on my own…

well, I meant vars, not string… sorry. even though, the vars are strings…