Hi all,
I am making a [COLOR=Red]MP3 player in flash[/COLOR]. Due to the Security reason in Flash, it wont let know the file path when a User browses for mp3 files using Flash method. I need [COLOR=Red]file path[/COLOR] to work out my player.
What I had seen in HTML is, when using [COLOR=Red]<input type='file'>[/COLOR] tag I can monitor the file path. But the User cannot make multiple selection of files at a time in HTML.
So, What I did is, I made a button in HTML. on Pressing the Button, I fired Flash method from HTML which browses for mp3 files and this also enables multiple selection at a time.
Now what I want is, [COLOR=Red]in this case, can HTML will get the File path[/COLOR]. If so, I can get the Path from HTML and assign the same in flash which solves my problem.
Any help…
pandu :}