Sending variables from Flash to php - wont work for some reason!

for some reason, I cant get my variables in Flash8 sent to a php file.
I have a local server set up on my PC, so maybe its a security issue???
I tried using getURL and it seemed to send as I could see the variables in the url but I could not echo them in the php file.

Now I’m trying the loadVariablesNum method
I have the following variables attached to input boxes:
name_var, age_var, address_var

I also have a button called submit_btn

and the very simple piece of actionscript:

submit_btn.onPress = function () {


here is the relevant code on the pleasework.php
$age = $_POST[‘name_var’];
$name = $_POST[‘age_var’];
$address = $_POST[‘address_var’];

echo $age;
echo $name;
echo $address;
echo $test;

Use $_GET instead of $_POST

tried that too,
and got nothing…very strange

well, how do you have assigned your variables to load?

ActionScript Code:
[FONT=Courier New][LEFT]submit_btn.onPress = function COLOR=#000000[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]{[/COLOR]
age_var = age.[COLOR=#0000FF]text[/COLOR];
name_var = [COLOR=#0000FF]name[/COLOR].[COLOR=#0000FF]text[/COLOR];
address_var = address.[COLOR=#0000FF]text[/COLOR];

i didn’t see below you assigned your variables… how do you have them assigned? :pir:

try this instead:

submit_btn.onPress = function () {
   var please:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
   $age = $_POST['name_var']; 
   $name = $_POST['age_var']; 
   $address = $_POST['address_var']; 

   echo $age; 
   echo $name; 
   echo $address; 

I tried the sendAndLoad method,
but am still getting nothing when I go to view the php view in my browser.

all files are stored on the same location on my local apache server (http://localhost). I tried using both the swf and the html containing the swf but still got nothing. Would it have anything to do with the way I am publishing the swf?
Thanks for the help by the way!

think I have managed to get it working.

register_globals was set to On in my php.ini file.
also, I was only entering text through the swf file on its own,
as opposed to the html file that contained the embedded swf file,
it seemed to work when I did the latter, I dont know if thats expected or not?!