I wish to post Variable Data from a Flash form to an email address. The whole Form is a loaded level 1 in the main SWF site in a HTML Page, so everything is flash, and all I want to do is send the Variables to an email address, I can do this fine via HTML but wish to send the Variables from a locked off Flash file.
I have created the fields etc, Send and Append buttons, the Append But has the name of the Variables that are then set to a:
on (release) {
Name = “”;
Name being Name of the Field.
The Send button then has the Code…
on (release) {
loadVariables("mailto:graham@amadesign.com", “0”, “GET”);
Level 0 being the root.
When I try this no errors come back and have tried to upload the page to our server, but nothing happens, What am I doing wrong???
Thanks to anyone who can help, I was given some info from H88 being
: getURL(“mailto:“sRecepient”?subject=”+sSubject+"&body="+sBody);
If say I hand only the Name text Field which called “Name”, where does that sit, and can some break the line above down for me…