Sending Variables to an email URL!

I wish to post Variable Data from a Flash form to an email address. The whole Form is a loaded level 1 in the main SWF site in a HTML Page, so everything is flash, and all I want to do is send the Variables to an email address, I can do this fine via HTML but wish to send the Variables from a locked off Flash file.

I have created the fields etc, Send and Append buttons, the Append But has the name of the Variables that are then set to a:

on (release) {
Name = “”;

Name being Name of the Field.

The Send button then has the Code…

on (release) {
loadVariables("", “0”, “GET”);

Level 0 being the root.

When I try this no errors come back and have tried to upload the page to our server, but nothing happens, What am I doing wrong???

Thanks to anyone who can help, I was given some info from H88 being

: getURL(“mailto:“sRecepient”?subject=”+sSubject+"&body="+sBody);

If say I hand only the Name text Field which called “Name”, where does that sit, and can some break the line above down for me…

Oh well, ur the one who contacted me through ICQ, anyways, u can’t use LoadVariables to do that, let me c ur fla.

Okay, plz stop sending me emails, here is what u want, assuming ur using Flash MX:

Check the attachment and Reply here if u founded it useful!


Yo H88, thanks for that, very useful Dude, is there a way though U can get this to work without pulling Up an email Programme, so it just post the Data
from flash to the URL so they then receive it via an email.

Dude Thankyou!

Offcourse, search for php script here: [link]

Its a better way, but u would need a PHP enabled host.